**Welcome to SWAN**

SWAN represents nutritionists and nutritional scientists in Switzerland. The association offers a professional representation of interests, a platform, as well as a network for academically trained nutritionist.

Upcoming Events

SWAN-Exkursion 202402 Sep 2024Weltacker Bern, Wahlen Allee, 3052 Zollikofen, Schweiz

Past Events

6. ordinary general meeting14 May 2024Zollstrasse 17, 8005 Zurich, Switzerland
SWAN LivePortraits 202405 Mar 2024Bern, Swiss Society for Nutrition (SGE), Eigerplatz 5, 3007 Bern
Fall event 2023: Community catering à la carte06 Nov 2023Schwarztorstrasse 48, Berne, Switzerland
5th Ordinary General Assembly08 May 2023Impact Hub, Spitalgasse 28, Im Ryffligässchen, 3011 Bern
SWAN LivePortraits 202321 Mar 2023Zurich
fall event31 Oct 2022Schwarztorstrasse 48, Berne, Switzerland
SWAN excursion24 Aug 2022Kemptpark 32/34, Kemptthal, Switzerland
4th General Assembly in Zurich16 May 2022University of Zurich, main building, Rämistrasse
SWAN LivePortraits online25 Jan 2022Online Event
Fall meeting of SWAN25 Oct 2021Burgdorfstrasse 36, 3672 Oberdiessbach, Switzerland